How to get FMVA certification?

How to get FMVA certification?

As time equals money in the business world, the CFI Institute gives you the opportunity to obtain the certification whenever suits you through an online course which consists of 24 sub-courses. You are required to study 9 core courses and 3 electives from a group of 6 courses

First of all, you must create an account on the CFI Institute website, and as soon as you create it, download the material. The material is recorded videos of the lectures. Each video is about 5 minutes.

You will have some pdf files, quizzes, and exercises. The course is about 100 videos, and after each 5 videos, there is a quiz of simple questions.

 At the end, you will sit for an exam of about 20 questions that are very important in order to pass, where you must score more than 80%. Otherwise, you can re-exam more than once, until you reach 80%. The certification period is 3 to 5 months, approximately.